Plum Wedding Color – Four Fantastic Choices

Plum is a luscious wedding color you might want to give serious thought to. While it can be paired with a variety of colors, for this blog post I have focused on Shades of Plum along with Plum and Gray, Plum and Olive and Plum and Orange.

Plum is similar to pink (dark pink, pale pink, etc.) in that it has a range of intensity, but is still called “plum”. In fact, in its lighter shades it is very close in color to both pink and lavender. I think we generally think of plum as being a saturated and rich, dark color and that is what I have used mostly in the collages.

I am a huge fan of purple but there is a special sophistication to plum that is very appealing.

Shades of Plum Wedding Color – My first collage is “just plum”.  The tablescape photo in the collage is a good one in which to see the range of plum shades. The colors range from the very dark plum in the flowers to the light plum in the tablecloth.Plum_Wedding_Color

Plum and Gray Wedding Colors – This combination can be a good choice for winter, as shown in the photo of the bride with her bridesmaids. You can also use silver with the gray. Plum_and_Gray_Wedding_Colors

Plum and Olive Wedding Colors – I admit that plum and olive is not a combination that is seen a lot, but it creates a refined and unique wedding palette. As I said at the beginning of this post, plum can create a sophisticated palette … and plum and olive illustrates sophistication to the max!Plum_and_Olive_Wedding_Colors

Plum and Orange Wedding Colors – For a stunning color palette for fall, you really can’t go wrong with plum and orange. Orange is somewhat expected for fall but the addition of plum takes it to a new level!Plum_and_Orange_Wedding_Colors

Collages created by Sher Silver.

Click the photos for the full-size versions.

EW - blog product19

Purple Wedding Ideas Pinterest Board
Purple From Exclusively Weddings Pinterest Board
Fall Wedding Ideas Pinterest Board

Photo Credits: Shades of Plum: Renee Brock Photography, Cotton and Crumbs, Project Wedding, Etsy Plum & Gray:  Kay Meyer Photography, Charlotte Geary Photography, Hazelnut Photography, Confetti Couture, Three Little Blackbirds Cakes, Absolutely Loved Photography Plum & Olive: Artstar, Weddinggawker  Plum & Orange: Troy Grover Photographers, Wohnidee, Steve Steinhardt Fine Art Photography

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About Sher Silver

Sher Silver has been active in the bridal industry for more than 25 years. She was on the Pace Communications’ team that launched Elegant Bride magazine and she served as its VP/General Manager. In 1991, she was asked to start up the Exclusively Weddings’ division for Pace and develop its catalog and product line of wedding accessories, favors and wedding party gifts. Once the original assortment of products was successful, she soon laid the groundwork for adding wedding invitations to Exclusively Weddings’ assortment. This included printing them in-house, so that exacting standards could be adhered to. She brought together an array of wedding invitation designs and price points that incorporated a mix of styles from classic to contemporary. Elegant and tasteful, these invitations set a fresh, new precedent in the industry and Exclusively Weddings continues to be known for offering invitations with both style and value. In addition, Sher has a passion for developing products that make it easier for brides to plan their weddings. She conceived, developed, and was editorial director of The Handbook of Wedding Invitations and the popular wedding planning system, The Organized Bride®. She has also created a wide variety of innovative, best-selling wedding products such as personalized wedding day totes for bridesmaids, Daddy’s Girl® frame, “To Dry Your Tears®” hanky for mother of the bride, personalized pouches for wedding rings, wedding welcome bags for out of town guests and more! Sher loves helping brides with questions they may have about their big day and providing valuable information and ideas to make wedding planning easier.

6 thoughts on “Plum Wedding Color – Four Fantastic Choices

  1. I am getting married in October, my colors are purple and orange. The collage that you have put together is gorgeous!! It looks a lot like what I have planned and what we are talking about doing. Thank you for posting such a great collage! Wendi ~ ♡


    • Hi Wendy! I’m so delighted that I could be of help to you! I’m sure your wedding will be gorgeous! Best wishes to you for the wedding of your dreams. Thank you so much for stopping by the blog.

      Warm regards,


  2. Well the plum and olive combo is gorgeous! I’m looking at plum and teal with a little gold thrown in for accent… but this olive has me thinking… 🙂 what would you recommend for the groom to wear? Not formal, so a suit or something of the like. Thank you! Love the blog!


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