The Wedding Cake That Went Viral On Pinterest

Purple Cake Thumbnail A few months ago, I was looking online for spectacular wedding cakes to pin to Exclusively Weddings’ “Wedding Cakes” Pinterest board and came upon one cake that stood out from the rest. Apparently I was not the only one who loved this cake … a luscious confection trimmed in purple and black. I pinned it about five months’ ago and watched as it was repinned again and again and again.

Its repin count reached 800 repins. I was thrilled.

Soon I saw 1,000 repins … 5,000 … 10,000 and now it has more than 15,000 repins and “likes” along with over 75 comments such as:

“I love the combination of piping and ribbon! Gorgeous”
“I love this cake. My dream.”
“Love the cake and the color.”
“Love this. So elegant!”
“Omg!!! I sooo love this cake. I am going to have to use this idea……”

From this sampling of comments you can see what a beloved cake this is!

This fabulous, three-tiered wedding cake was created by Jen’s Cakes in San Jose, CA, and photographer Ken Kato captured it perfectly.

I think you will enjoy seeing the cake in context with all of the other accessories that the bride chose to go along with it. If so, Ken Kato’s blog has lots of pictures for you!

I’ve had people ask about the purple sparkles that surround the cake. These are a material called Acrylic Ice Crystals. They come in a myriad of colors and are available online.  Google “Acrylic Ice Crystals” and you’ll see lots of sites that sell it. It really adds a lot of pizzazz to the cake table, doesn’t it!

The screen shot below shows the cake on our Pinterest board. There was a photo of another view of the cake on the photographer’s blog and about two weeks’ ago I pinned it, also. So, now are two views of this cake on our Wedding Cakes Pinterest Board. There are almost 250 cakes on this board.
Purple/Black Cake on Pinterest

Here is “THE” cake! The original one on the left and the 2nd pinning on the right. And Ken Kato, the photographer, kindly sent me a third shot, a close up, so you can see the detail.
Purple Cake
Purple Cake Close Up
[Click the small thumbnail at the top of the post to see entire cake full size.]











UPDATE: There is an updated blog post on the Purple Cake. The Purple Cake Revisited